
Kobanashi and other humor

By William Wetherall

These are my translations of "kobanashi" or "little stories" of the comical kind, and other forms of humor, from senryū to one-line jokes.

Taiwan monkeys
Small finger
Blood clams
Art museum
Beauty shop
Drug mecca
American continent
Bride hunting
What is marriage?
Divorce crisis
Shortest kobanashi
Chinese match factory


Kobanashi (小噺、小話) are short humorous stories, some just a line or two, others longer, which end in a punch line (ochi 落ち, sage 下げ) -- a word or phrase "dropped" in a manner that brings the story to a comical conclusion, often in the form of a pun.

Such stories were told by "hanashika" (噺家、咄家、話家) or "danwaka" (談話家) -- "storytellers" or "raconteurs" -- before live audiences, in streets or theaters. Such story narrators were the forerunners of today's "rakugoka" (落語家), who generally perform while sitting on a zabuton on a stage, typically brandishing only a closed folding fan, which may be opened and used as a fan, or may be used to represent something in the story.

Most of the stories told here are of fairly recent vintage, and some appear to be adaptations of jokes that originated in other languages. With rare exceptions as noted, all are unattributed and undated materials shared with me by friends. The translations and comments are mine.

Taiwan monkeys

Translated by William Wetherall


何日かして . . .

Taiwan monkeys

"Give me 5 Taiwan monkeys."
"Thank you. I can't get them immediately, so please give me a little time."
A few days later . . .
"I got them."
"What? I said 5 Taiwan monkeys, but 1 is a Japanese monkey!"
"My dear customer, that's the translator."


Small finger

Translated by William Wetherall



Small finger

Some yakuza come to an eatery. As soon as get to a table, the youngest punk quickly stands and holds up 5 fingers.
"Hey, waitress, 5 beers."
"Here you are. Sorry to keep you waiting."
"Hey, wait. Why 4 large bottles and 1 small bottle?"
"Huh? Didn't you order 1 small bottle?"

This story hinges on the stereotype of a yakuza with a missing finger tip, hence a short finger that the waitress took to mean a small bottle. Structurally, though, it is like the "Taiwan monkeys" story.


Blood clams

Translated by William Wetherall

赤貝 (江戸小噺)


Blood clams (Edo story)

The family of a certain man in Edo had a very clever dog, which understood everything his daughter said. She could show the dog something, drop some coins in a pouch around the its neck, then send it off to the market, and it would come back with exactly what she wanted. Her father liked succulent blood clams, and one day he said he wanted some for dinner. So his daughter went into the kitchen, muttered something to the dog, then sent the dog off to the market with a bamboo basket in its mouth. And sure enough, it came back with some fresh blood clams. The girl's mother, wondering how her daughter would get the dog to recognize blood clams, had peeked at her in the kitchen and seen her lift the front of her kimono and point to herself. So the next time her husband wanted blood clams, she imitated her daughter, but the dog came back with a bristly scrubbing brush.

Kobanashi draw from all aspects of life, including sexual anatomy. "Akagai" (red shellfish = blood clams) alludes to a girl's pubes, "tawashi" (brush) to a woman's pubic hair.


Art museum

Translated by William Wetherall



Art museum

"Ah, such a wonderful painting. It's a Picasso, right?"
"Madam, that's a mirror."

A mirror figured in one of the jokes told by Daliso Chaponda in the 1st semi-final of Britain's Got Talent in 2017. A woman complains that a mirror makes her look fat, and Chaponda tells her his eyes have the same problem. Mirrors that warp a figure in various ways, making someone look fat or skinny, or creating the illusion of a narrow waist and flairing hips, or a head too large or too small, were featured at amusement parks like Playland-At-The-Beach just north of the west end of Golden Gate Park in San Francisco. The playland was between the park and the Sutro Baths and museum, which I also frequented when growing up in the Sunset District south of the park in my early teens during the early 1950s.


Beauty shop

Translated by William Wetherall



Beauty shop

"You're all dolled up. Where did you go?"
"To the beauty shop!"
"Was it closed today?"

This sort of joke could travel in any language.


Drug mecca

Translated by William Wetherall


よく群馬県へ行って入手するそうです。常習(上州)と云って . . .

The place to get stimulant drugs

"It seems people are going to Gunma prefecture to get drugs. Saying its Jōshū . . .

"Jōshū" was the common name for the provence of Kōsuke (上野) domain. An earlier name for Kōsuke was Kamitsukeno (上毛野 Kamitsukenu), which is better known today by its Sino-Japanese name Jōmō (上毛). In 1871, the domains in the provence became 9 prefectures, and later that year 8 of these prefectures were consolidated into Gunma prefecture, which gained more territory 1876. As a regional name, "Jōshū" is written 上州, but the name is homophonous with 常習, which means habitual user. This is similar to the play some people have made on the name of my home town, Grass Valley, in California, as they associate "grass" with "marijuana" and imagine a cannibus paradise.


American continent

Translated by William Wetherall


地理の授業で先生が 「花子、アメリカ大陸はどこにありますか?」

American continent

In geography class, the teacher says, "Hanako, where is the American continent?"
"Teacher, it's here," she said, pointing to it on a map.
"That's correct. Okay, Tarō, who discovered the American continent?"
"Ah, Hanako."

This joke, too, could travel anywhere.


Bride hunting

Translated by William Wetherall


息子が結婚したい女性を連れてきた。お母さんは大反対。しょうがないので止めて、今度はお母さんとそっくりな女性を連れてきた。体型も性格も . . . お母さんは大喜び。お父さんが大反対。

Bride hunting

A son brought home a woman he wanted to marry. His mother was opposed so he gave up. The next time, he brought home a woman who was just like his mother . . . her figure, her personality. This time his mother was delighted, but his father was opposed."

Where in the world could you tell this joke, that people would not laugh?


What is marriage?

Translated by William Wetherall


人生の墓場に例える方がいますが、世界一周豪華クルーズに似ているとも言われます。長い後悔の始まり . . .

What is marriage?

Some people liken marriage to the grave (tomb) of life, but it is also said to resemble an around-the-world luxury cruise. The beginning of a long regret . . .

This joke hinges on a pun that travels only in Japanese, and hence it is language-bound. The punch line "long regret" reflects "kōkai" (後悔), which is homophonous with a Sino-Japanese term meaning navigation, sailing, or voyage by sea -- i.e., "cruise" (航海). The Sino-Japanese word play is enhanced by the Japanese transliteration of English "cruise" (kuruuzu クルーズ), but the joke could be told without using the Anglo-Japanese word. Moreover, the written form of the joke would better emulate its oral form if "kōkai" were phonetically scripted in katakana (コウカイ), thus letting the reader puzzle out its possible meanings -- rather than graphically interpret them with kanji.


Divorce crisis

Translated by William Wetherall



Divorce crisis

"My husband-wife relationship is like recuperating from pneumonia."」
"In what way?"
"The fever has long dropped, but the seki doesn't leave."

This joke, too, is limited to Japan and Japanese. I've italicized "seki" in the punch line because the joke, when told orally, turns on "seki" meaning "cough" (咳) as a homonym with "seki" meaning "register" (籍). When writing the joke, it would be better to write "seki" in katakana (セキ), so the reader would have to figure out the play on the two "seki". The "seki" of "register" alludes to the legal fact that a married couple must share a common household register. When a couple marries, one spouse has to "enter the register" (nyūseki 入籍) of the other spouse. Divorce results in one spouse leaving the common register.


The world's shortest little story

Translated by William Wetherall


天国の小噺 「あのよ〜」

The world's shortest little story

A short story of heaven "Ano yo"

"Ano yo" has the feeling of "Ano ne", which is used to get someones attention, or even to start a story. But it also "that (over there, yonder) world" or "the next world" -- hopefully "heaven" (tengoku 天国). There are numerous similar "shortest short stories" including 本当の話「実は (実話)」Real story "Jitsu wa (Jitsuwa)", and 旅行の話@「この度は (この旅は)」Travel story "Kono tabi (Kono tabi)".


Match factory in China

Translated by William Wetherall



Match factory in China

A match factory burned to the ground. All that was left were matches.

This is an "ethnic" joke in that it hinges on stereotypes about the quality of Chinese products. "China" could be replaced with any country that was associated with inferior or defective products.
